WI-FI Site Survey and Reporting

Wifi Site Survey - BLU Networks Consultancy Limited

Realise the value of your Wi-Fi investment by doing a proper survey and fully understanding your coverage requirements.  Benefit from the following:

  • Better functionality
  • Better Wi-Fi coverage
  • Better user/customer experience

The success of any Wi-Fi solution is hinged heavily on the design. The proper Design of a Wi-Fi solution entails many supporting activities that all form a complete understanding of the physical and logical requirements of the intended solution.  A critical part of the design is the actual physical survey of the intended coverage area. This is a task that is often neglected by many businesses and this is one of the major causes of wireless connectivity issues. If you are in an environment where you experience symptoms like continuous signal drops, slow performance on some applications, staff or clients keep complaining about getting online or you keep experiencing outages; then more than likely, the design that has been implemented for your business was done without a proper Wi-Fi survey. We know this can lead to frustration, loss of productivity, time, and resources for your business. Instead you want the assurance of knowing that your Wi-Fi solution is consistently working so you can focus on the more critical areas of your business operations.  Physical survey + Design = Wi-Fi solution Our team stands ready to conduct site surveys and then engage and implement the best solution for the sustainability of your business.

Schedule a W-Fi Site Survey

Managing Director

Sheldon Paul


Sheldon has over 20 years’ experience in the Information Technology field, specialising in Data Communications, IT Governance and Business Strategy.


  • BLU addresses major issues that our potential customers face such as lack of certified experts and human resources to implement functional and profitable solutions to grow their business.