Navigating the Emotional Side of Being a Business Owner

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While at the office I looked up from my pc and noticed the dark clouds that were looming outside. My mind started to stray a bit from one thing to another. I started thinking about life as a business owner. Then the thought hit me; why not share the emotional side of being a business owner in my next Blog article?

We live in a world that has many small businesses and being a business owner is not an easy thing to do. I’ve thought long and hard about what my 5 key points to navigating the process are and would love to share it with you all. Take a read and let me know your thoughts.  I would also love to hear about your experience.


Navigating the emotional side of being a business owner - Fear - Blu Networks Consultancy LimitedThe thought of owning my own business was very exciting.  As time went by and the reality of what this meant started to awaken the fears of the unknown.  “How were we going to be able to manage our finances?” “How are we going to pay for this or for that?” “How were we going to find customers?”  Although it took me some time to recognize, I turned to what I know best…PRAYER.  I prayed to remove all fear and worry so that I would be able to overcome anything that came my way.  To this day, 8 years down the road this is still what helps to keep my fears in check.


Navigating the emotional side of being a business owner - Anxiety - BLU Networks Consultancy LimitedWith fear brings many different emotions. For me, as my fears of the unknown positioned itself in my life, my anxiety levels were on the rise. As more time went by, I knew this was not a healthy thing. I found myself in a space where I had to learn to control the anxiety levels without the use of medication. So, I did what always worked for me… PRAY. I also included some quiet time to breathe and get in the right headspace. I am not an exercise fanatic, but I have recognized that yoga calms me, so I incorporated this into my life as well. Although I like to figure things out on my own, I do have someone who I can talk with at any given time.


Navigating the emotional side of being a business owner - Health Care - BLU Networks Consultancy LimitedGrowing a successful business takes a lot of hard work and dedication. In the process, many things get a backseat. For me, I tend not to pay proper attention to my physical health. This is still an area where I falter, but I have recognized the need to take better care of myself. I can’t wait until I burnout to take my vitamins or visit the doctor.


Having a business with your spouse takes a lot of hard work. For me, this was something that I/we had to navigate and get right. There had to be simple things to separate work-life from home-life for us to function well in both spaces. Although, there are times when we mix the two, having the differentiation is crucial for my sanity. I needed the balance for myself to ensure that one aspect didn’t or doesn’t overshadow the other.


Navigating the emotional side of being a business owner - Shutting Off - BLU Networks Consultancy LimitedIs this something that we business owners do? Shutting off can be difficult, but it is necessary for my mental health and well-being. Although I have not mastered it yet, I am close. I do have the ability to cut off after a certain time so I can think about and do other things. I take this time for my family and myself. Yes, I am a business owner, but I need to be able to think about something other than work for my peace of mind.

I know that being a business owner is not an easy thing and we all go through the emotions that come with it.  What has it been like for you? I would love to hear what works for you as you navigate through the emotions that come with being a business owner.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Lyndon

    Hey Paul, really great article.

    Shutting off is something I struggle with, I’ve been told many time that I “don’t know when to stop”.

    It’s also something I’m recognizing where I’m so focused on trying to complete something but I’ve been behind it so long that the productivity and quality of it has dropped.

    All other areas I’ve learned to manage through prayer and faith but because I’m pressing or trying to press I’ve also become more sedentary which has given room to weight gain.

    Thanks for these reminders

  2. Donna-Luisa Eversley

    Thanks for starting this conversation Sheldon. Prayer is indeed the anchor that will hold life together when embarking on an entrepreneurial journey. It tales a special type of courage from a special type of person to get past 2 years in business. Whether success comes early on or is a little later, waking up and going to sleep is a challenge most will go through. I can recall many times just stopping to pray, and having the courage to say “God please carry me.” Every new day can bring a fresh outlook but one must rest fully, sleep and start believing today is the next best day, and it will be great!

  3. Nathanlie

    Great article. I will sum it up by saying, “go inward and be present”. Listening to our bodies and our emotions goes a long way in our success in any venture.


    1. Giselle

      Thanks, Nathanlie. We sometimes forget to pay attention to our emotions and what it does to our minds and bodies. Being mindful of this is very important. This is something that I had to get right as we continue on our journey as a business owner.

  4. Giselle

    This is so true Donna-Luisa. Prayer is what centers me and it is indeed an anchor. Thank you for sharing a little about your journey as well.

  5. Fr. Stephan Alexander

    It’s good to remember that emotions are sources of information that tell us, what’s going on in us, if we take the time to be aware. Too often we react, as a result of our emotions, instead of responding to what they are communicating to us. Prayer, meditation, deep breathing, mindfulness practices etc. are all good ways to slow the reaction process while engendering our ability to effectively respond after examining the information provided by our emotions. Blessings!

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