Who is BLU Networks Consultancy Ltd?

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After reading the heading of this article, you guys are probably wondering why we are now blogging about BLU Networks Consultancy Limited.  My reason for doing so is because we sometimes forget that many people may not know exactly who we are.  In this week’s article, I am going to give you guys a sneak peek into what I think you should know about us.

I am going to try and make it as short and sweet as possible while hitting the key points.  It was a bit tough to zone in on my 5 key points for this article, but I think I hit the nail on the head.  Take a read and let me know if you’ve gotten to know us any better.

1. Who are we?

BLU Networks is a Telecom Integration company that has been around for over 8 years. As an Integrator, we focus on ensuring that our customers’ networks and communications technology are fully capable of delivering on the intended business result.  So now that we have gotten that out of the way let’s get into it.  From our start to now our team has grown significantly.  During our growth, we have made mistakes and learned from them. We continue to become more efficient while still working hard at our inefficiencies.  We attempt to always operate and put our best foot forward, which brings us to what we do.

2. What do we do?

We specialize in many areas; we managed to lay this out very nicely on our website at  https://www.blunetworks-tt.com/services/. But, the point of this section is really to understand (outside of all the products and services that we offer) what we really do,which you may not find on our website. As a company, we are here to serve our customers and ensure that they are always satisfied. Our customers are and will always be our top priority. When we provide any service required of us, we ensure that we Deliver It Right the First Time. Differentiation is key to us; we are NOT interested in being like everyone else. We thrive on being A New Perspective on Business Consultancy. We firmly believe that customers deserve to work with a partner that delivers value to their organization.

3. What sets us apart from others?

So, what sets us apart from others?  It’s simple really… for starters our company does not have many tiers.  This makes it very easy to work with us and not to mention it allows us to make decisions faster than the larger organization.  This results in faster and more accurate service delivery.   We also have an open-door policy with our entire team, we believe respect is earned rather than demanded. Having our team involved in some decision-making processes is important to us, and it increases efficiency. From a knowledge perspective, we like to ensure that we are experts in everything that we do. We do this by the use of a very stringent training plan which all team members buy into very early. The list can go on and on, but the major difference is the fact that we care about our customers’ businesses and we love what we do.

4. How we manage our team?

Our team, though quite young, are experts. We ensure that they are always trained and well equipped to handle different situations. Although the learning curve is hard at times, they still put their best foot forward. Micromanaging is not an option at BLU Networks. We try to provide direction for each team member to get their job done. There are times when we disagree on different approaches but in the end, we find common ground.

5. Why choose us?

In business, you need to sell your company to gain business. “So… why choose BLU Networks you ask?” Well, that’s easy. We are experts in our field and have a great team supporting us. Bringing something different to the table helps make us who we are. We understand what customer service is and it is of utmost importance. Listening to what customers want and helping them achieve their goals is a priority.

There is still much more to know about us.  Give us a call, and we would be more than happy to chat with you.

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