staff working on cyber security
My Point Of View

Making Informed IT Purchases: A Guide to Cybersecurity Investment

It’s essential that we take a moment to address the elephant in the room – cybersecurity concerns. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and individuals alike are constantly bombarded with news of cybercrimes and security breaches. As technology integrators, we understand the gravity of these threats and the pressure they place on organizations to fortify their defenses. However, amidst the chaos, it’s crucial to approach cybersecurity investments with a clear and informed mindset.

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sheldon at work
BLU Blogs

Striking the Right Chords: A Personal Pledge to Enhance Efficiency

Reflecting on my daily grind, I started identifying those aspects that often get pushed to the side when urgency strikes or crises emerge. It led me to question myself: “How can I be more efficient? How can I accomplish these tasks while addressing urgent matters?” The answer, it turns out, was right in front of me all along – utilizing the people and resources at my disposal.

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telecom integrator
BLU Blogs

Telecom Integration Unveiled: Crafting Solutions Beyond Platform Boundaries

The ability to solve challenges by focusing on solutions rather than problems is the mark of true expertise. This week presented an interesting scenario where our team had to integrate two different platforms. As a telecom integrator, our goal is not to limit ourselves to a single platform but to offer a variety that enables us to deliver efficient and secure solutions tailored to our customer’s needs.

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design concepts
BLU Blogs

Elevating Cybersecurity: The Importance of Infrastructure Design

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity is a paramount concern for businesses and organizations of all sizes. With threats constantly lurking, the need to strengthen security measures has never been more critical. While the focus often revolves around the latest devices and technologies, it’s equally important to consider the foundational aspects of cybersecurity, particularly the design of network infrastructure and secure communications.

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Infrastructure Solutions- Enabling the Transformation
BLU Blogs

What does Infrastructure Solutions mean to you?

Globally we have been pushed into rapid digital transformation due to the Pandemic. To survive and still keep safe, we as business owners and managers were required to find creative ways to continue doing business while ensuring our customers’ and employees’ safety and maintaining compliance with COVID-19 protocols. 

Over the last year, we know many of you, including ourselves, have had to pivot your businesses to adjust to this new normal.

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