My Point Of View

More Than a Business Transaction: Building True Partnerships in Technology Deployments

In the world of technology deployment, success goes beyond the nuts and bolts of installation and implementation. It’s about forging a partnership that extends past a simple business transaction. Recently, our team embarked on a multifaceted project that highlighted the true essence of collaboration, adaptability, and the human touch in delivering technological solutions.

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red pin on friday of calendar in notebook
My Point Of View

The Power of Planning: Why Fridays are Crucial in Blu Networks

At Blu Networks, Fridays hold a special significance. Instead of winding down for the weekend, Fridays are when the team gears up for the week ahead. This unique approach to planning has revolutionized our workflow and set the tone for a more organized and efficient work environment. Let’s delve into why Fridays have become the cornerstone of our operational strategy.

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My Point Of View

Elevating Telecom Integration: Ensuring Clarity and Collaboration

In the dynamic world of telecom integration, achieving success isn’t just about completing tasks; it’s about aligning efforts with the broader objectives and priorities of the customer. At Blu Networks, we recently embarked on a significant Wi-Fi project for a prominent manufacturing organization, which underscored the critical importance of understanding and meeting the client’s overarching goals.

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staff working on cyber security
My Point Of View

Making Informed IT Purchases: A Guide to Cybersecurity Investment

It’s essential that we take a moment to address the elephant in the room – cybersecurity concerns. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and individuals alike are constantly bombarded with news of cybercrimes and security breaches. As technology integrators, we understand the gravity of these threats and the pressure they place on organizations to fortify their defenses. However, amidst the chaos, it’s crucial to approach cybersecurity investments with a clear and informed mindset.

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Client meeting and listening
My Point Of View

The Power of Listening and Adding Value in Customer Engagements

In the bustling world of technology, where solutions often seem predefined, it’s easy to overlook the importance of genuine listening and value addition in customer engagements. Yet, these two elements stand as pillars in fostering trust, understanding, and ultimately, successful partnerships. Recently, we had a meeting with a client where the focus wasn’t just on delivering a service but on truly comprehending their needs and aspirations.

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training session
BLU Blogs

Nurturing Excellence: The Strategic Imperative of Training Plans at Blu Networks

As the calendar flips from December to January, a familiar ritual ensues at Blu Networks. It’s a time when we pause, reflect, and meticulously evaluate our performance across various dimensions. While financial metrics and strategic alignments garner due attention, there’s one aspect that holds profound significance – the performance of our team members in particular, engineering and support people within the organization.

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Sheldon Paul
BLU Blogs

Celebrating Victories: A 2024 Odyssey

As I stepped into 2024, my mind was brimming with a mix of optimism and, admittedly, some concerns. Over the past two years, our organization has been consistently laden with projects, a testament to our capabilities. However, 2023 brought a shift, with more project overruns and some incomplete endeavors – a departure from our usual track record. Sometimes, we found ourselves working closely with customers, navigating the pressures within their organizations.

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sheldon at work
BLU Blogs

Striking the Right Chords: A Personal Pledge to Enhance Efficiency

Reflecting on my daily grind, I started identifying those aspects that often get pushed to the side when urgency strikes or crises emerge. It led me to question myself: “How can I be more efficient? How can I accomplish these tasks while addressing urgent matters?” The answer, it turns out, was right in front of me all along – utilizing the people and resources at my disposal.

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telecom integrator
BLU Blogs

Telecom Integration Unveiled: Crafting Solutions Beyond Platform Boundaries

The ability to solve challenges by focusing on solutions rather than problems is the mark of true expertise. This week presented an interesting scenario where our team had to integrate two different platforms. As a telecom integrator, our goal is not to limit ourselves to a single platform but to offer a variety that enables us to deliver efficient and secure solutions tailored to our customer’s needs.

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order amidst the chaos
BLU Blogs

A Different Lens: Finding Order in Chaos

Have you ever shared a snapshot of your workspace with someone and asked for their perspective? I recently did just that with a colleague, hoping to gain some fresh insights. Little did I know that their response would be a stark contrast to my vision.

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